International DIPG DMG Prayer Day is a 24-hour prayer and fasting vigil for all DIPG DMG angels, kids, teens, adults and their families beginning at 12:00 am EST on Sunday morning, August 20, 2023 through midnight Sunday evening.
International DIPG DMG Prayer Day is intended to honor all angels, current fighters, afflicted family members and friends, and those who do not know yet DIPG DMG is coming into their lives.
DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma) & DMG (diffuse midline glioma) are types of pediatric brain cancers considered terminal at diagnosis and is the top cause of death from pediatric brain tumors, carrying a poor prognosis with a near 0% chance of survival. Brain cancer is now the leading cause of childhood cancer death.
Prayers are powerful and miracles happen every day. We want miracles for each and every one of our children that only God can deliver upon. We hope you feel led to join together with us on International DIPG DMG Prayer Day.